Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Holman Pre-K


We are excited for a new year of learning and growing.  Preschool is a fun and exciting year of new skills and discoveries.  Check back frequently for updates and information on all of the different things we will be doing this year.  


There are many learning goals that we have throughout the school year.  Many of these will be taught using hands on activities and exploring new and different activities.  Some of the things we will began learning this year are:

Fine motor skills- cutting, pencil grip, learning to write our names and letters, and coloring in boundaries.

Letter recognition- the 26 letters of the alphabet will be introduced with their sounds.

Beginning/Ending Sounds- recognizing beginning and ending sounds of words and pictures.

Rhyming/Patterning- recognizing and repeating rhyming words and patterns and building patterns


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.